2018-19 In residence


2018-19 In residence
21-27/5/2019 - Let’s transform the Lead. Silver Moments”
Nora Ancarola and Marga Ximenez “In residence” at the Institut Escola Antaviana with students Nerea Abolafia, Faith Apata, Izan Arnainz, Hajar Benhida, Mercè Guiset, Adrià Gutiérrez, Ainhoa ​​Herrera, Lucía Jiménez, Sol Manzano, Núria Martínez, Iker Nonura, Natalia Oliver, Andrés Ponce, Ainara Ramírez, Natalia Rivero, Mar Rubio , Pahola Sánchez, Andrea Segura, Estela Torrado, and teachers Jorge Carrasco and Carme Salinas (teachers).

Throughout the 2018-19 academic year, a group of 2nd ESO students from the Instituto Escola Antaviana have been working with the creators Nora Ancarola and Marga Ximénez, as part of the project “In residence”. Throughout the course, and on a weekly basis, students and creators have been immersed in a creative process, culminating in this exhibition.

The project reflects on migrations and their vital consequences, on the small stories that define the fit between individual trajectories and collective events and, in which, the gaze of the other becomes the starting point to understand shared realities.

Made within the framework of the 10th edition of Creators “In residence” in the institutes of Barcelona, ​​a program of the Institute of Culture of Barcelona and the Barcelona Education Consortium, conceived in cooperation with the Association A Bao A Qu. The residence of Nora Ancarola and Marga Ximenez at the Instituto Escola Antaviana is curated and coordinated by the A Bao A Qu Association.

Centre Arts Santa Mònica. CAT. Sala Balcó. La Rambla, 7. 08002 Barcelona.

In residence
Exposició En residència. CAT.