2018 Arts libris


2018 Arts Libris fair with Edicions 1010

“Catalan letter” edition unique and inspired by referendum on October 1, and facts of repression by the Spanish state against the Catalan people.

In the binding the Tarlatana workshops.

“Edicions 1010” is an editorial project designed for publishing artist books created in 1999 in conjunction with Nora Ancarola.

The characteristic of this project is the production of handmade books where poetry and visual work form a unique work. Multidisciplinary work, old techniques and new technologies go hand in hand. Fingerprints, transfers, chalcographic engravings, printing, individualized finishes, make up these short-edition books. They are small works, almost unique in the world of mass reproducibility. Works with «hot aura» in the world of «cold auras». “Edicions 1010” has so far created three collections, Atenea, Babau and Plec, as well as other single-edition books.

Organized by: ArtsLibris and the Department of Culture.

Arts Libris. International Artist and Contemporary Publishing Book Fair 2018
Max Cahner Cloister of Santa Mònica Art Center. CAT. Barcelona.