1996 Quim Lecina. The Journey


1996 Quim Lecina. The Journey

Poster for the concert-recital, by the great actor who was Quim Lecina, on “The Journey”, the last poems book by the remembered and dear friend David Rosenthal.

“Quim Lecina & Nou Brownie Jazz Quartet“ in 1996 premiered “The Journey” in the legendary Cova del Drac in Barcelona. Now, 18 years later and for personal reasons, Quim Lecina has wanted to get back on track, with four excellent musicians who were born at exactly the same time that “The Journey” was also born.

David H. Rosenthal was an American poet, translator into English of Tirant lo Blanc and also of works by Mercè Rodoreda, Josep Carner and other Catalan poets. He was also a commentator and critic of Jazz in Down Beat and Jazz Times magazines. He lived for a long time in Barcelona, where in 1991, when he was 47, he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Between one and another surgical intervention, DHR wrote the poems that conform “The Journey”, published shortly before its death, in 1992.