2008 MX Espai. Anniversary


2008 Tenth anniversary of the MX Espai 1010 art project-laboratory

In the “Kenosi” performance held at the Palau de la Virreina in Barcelona, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the project-art laboratory-MX Espai 1010, Asunció+Guasch installed an autonomous performance device so that those attending the party could cut out the images and tests. of the catalog of the ten years of activity of the space.

In these actions, the vacuum becomes more real than the full and the invisible exerts more pressure than the visible. The aim of the performance was to give the catalog at the end of the action, to Nora Ancarola and myself, empty of content and images.

Editing and production: art project-laboratory-MX Espai 1010
Coordination: Marta Darder
Collection of archives and documentation: Carmen de los Llanos, Cecilia Postiglioni
Translations and corrections: Agustí Casals, William George, Claudia Truzzoli
Textos: Benjamín Álvarez, Nora Ancarola, Marga Ximenez, Marta Darder, Lola Donaire, Itziar González Virós, Carles Hac Mor, Akiko Kotani, Conxita Oliver, Pilar Parcerisas, Barbara Verzini
Images: MX Espai 1010 files
Design: Natalia Arranz
Printing: Impremta Badia

12/12/2008 - Palace of the Virreina. Barcelona.